Friday, February 26, 2010

217 !!

So, for some reason I haven't been posting, yet I've been fasting and losing weight! Very strange, b/c normally my blogging habits (weak as they are) are strongly correlated with my dieting habits (weak as they are).

Anyway, I guess I "snapped" Wednesday morning when I weighed in at 225.25. That's more than I started the year at, and possibly above my average over the past 2-3 years. Sad. I told myself that if my entire 2010 push wasn't going to go down in flames, I needed to find a way to get to 215 by the end of February. The thought being that I then aim for 210 in March, 205 in April, etc. But let's not get ahead of ourselves yet.

The obvious lever to reach for was a nice, long fast. The plan was simple: don't eat until 215 lbs. So I haven't eaten since about 11pm Tuesday night, now 59 hours ago. I think my record is about 67-68 hours? [too lazy to check old posts now] so I may be breaking that today.

I'd initially hoped to get to 215 by last (Thurs) night or this (Fri) morning. But I'm still a step or two away. And of course, doing the math a few times now, I can see that -- absent exercise -- I should soon settle into losing less than a pound a day.

I dropped 4.75 lbs in the first 24 hours (not counting the first 7 hours, during which I was sleeping). Of course mostly water. And then I lost 3.0 lbs in the second 24-hours. So I should be able to make it to 215 by tomorrow morning, but not before.

So far feeling pretty darn good...

Saturday, February 20, 2010

222, 222

Stuck on 222 for 2 days.
Backsliding a tad from post-fast.
See what I can do today...

Thursday, February 18, 2010


Away from scales for a few days.
Weight was sliding up. Weighed 229 (!!!) Tues night.
Fasted Wed.
220.75 this AM.
Still fasting so far. 36 hours...

Friday, February 12, 2010


Fasted except for dinner time, but I guess I didn't really eat the perfect meal. Still, 140 will take time.


Thursday, February 11, 2010


This morning. After a bit of a late-night binge on toast & cheese.
Back to the grindstone.
140 here I come.


Yesterday morning. 220.75 in fact -- but I said I wouldn't bore you with fractions or decimals.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


225 last night, 223 this morning. (I won't bore you with fractions anymore. It's about losing POUNDS.) I fasted (or quasi-fasted, really) until dinner, then "broke down" and had a very small salad and one medium bowl of soup. I call this a success. And 5-lb drop is great of course. But this means nothing. 223 is still slightly on the high side of my average range over the past several months. So if this is a race I'm still just wiggling around the starting line.

If a want to make a permanent change to my eating pattern, then that needs to be based around something like 1500 cal/day. Yesterday was maybe 1200 I'm guessing. So even though it felt like a "near-fast" it was just a tad on the low end of where I need to be.

Let's see how I do today.

Monday, February 8, 2010


I see that my last post was in September -- so 5 months ago. As you would expect, the news since then is mostly bad. (Otherwise I would've been posting!)

My new years resolution probably wasn't strong enough, and I haven't been strong enough to fully stick to it anyhow.

I've hit rock bottom, with my post-Super Bowl party weight this morning (yes, this is a morning weight!) 228.25. That's a number I don't think I've seen in a long, long time. (I don't want to check; too painful.)

At my height (6 ft), I'd need to weigh 140 pounds to be at 18.5 BMI, which is probably near-optimal. I think there's little doubt that my truly optimal weight would be south of 150 at any rate. So as of today today I have roughly 80-85 pounds to lose.

Haven't eaten anything since about 9pm last night, so nearly 19 hours. I have weekly weigh-in with the kids tonight. (Since we missed last night.) Today's fast will help there, though evening vs morning will probably still but me above 225 I'm guessing.

Anyway, I need to establish a "new normal" for myself. The fat folk on "Biggest Loser" often lose 80 lbs in 6-10 weeks, though they're all fatter than me I guess, and exercise 8 hours a day or so.

A 140 lb person only needs to eat about 1500 cal/day I think, so one way or the other that's the ballpark where I need to end up. But for now I guess I need to see how long I can fast. And try to eat no more than that when I'm not fasting.

I'll also try to keep you posted semi-religiously.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

So Far...

Fasting since 10pm Monday (MNF), so 40 hours now.

Of course it's my usual modified fast, so I'm not truly calorie-free, probably 200-300 calories per day in fact, between milk in coffee, and a beer or glass of wine each day.

Anyhow, progress is slow. I weighed 217 with PJs on this morning, so maybe 214 w/o clothing. But that's a MORNING weight!!! Very bad. I don't exactly have a goal in mind with this particular, individual fast. Reading past posts here, it appears 72 hours is my record, so that would mean 10pm Thursday (tomorrow) night. Of course I'd feel insane breaking a fast at 11pm or midnight! So a record-run would probably actually need to mean Friday morning, or about 80+ hours. I'm not really sure if I'm up for that or not.

The more important thing would be to work out what to do when I'm not fasting. I probably need rules.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Back on the Horse

So, I was beguiled by meatloaf and macaroni & cheese and cut short my fast after only 48 hours. And, despite not feeling like I really fell far off the wagon, my Sunday night weigh-in was awful: 222 lbs. Probably some salt involved in that number, blah, blah, blah.

But I'm fasting again now. Only since 10pm Monday night, i.e. 15 hours so far. But I'm feeling like I've got a pretty firm handle on the fact that eating doesn't help anything -- at least intellectually I have a handle on it. But it's true: even when I'm super-hungry eating isn't THAT great. Sticking to a fasting plan probably gives me greater satisfaction than a meal.

Ok, at some point I need to develop a more healthy relationship with food. And that probably includes eating lots of healthy stuff and loving it. But I think that needs to be figured out by a 170-lb version of me. Right now I'm a proud citizen of Crazyland and I'm just going to focus on fasting and getting my weight down.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Fall Revival

Ok, time to dust off the determination and focus I lost somewhere at the beach.

I fasted yesterday, the first time in months, and plan to push my limits a bit -- or at least set a personal record. That would require making it to Sunday AM, which would mean a 3.5-day fast.

After getting to 209 lbs in May, I've backslid up to the 218-220 range now. Ugh.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Latest Fad

My new thing, starting today, is drinking only water. No coffee, soda, beer, wine, milk, tea, appletini, lemonade, etc.

And I'm also trying WeightWatchers online again.

I'll try to keep you posted.

Loooong Time, No Post

Oddly, the news isn't too bad. (WHich I suppose is why I'm finally posting! I've done several fasts, including my current record of 72 hours. That led to a weight 2 weeks ago of 209.5. Yesterday I completed another 48-hour fast and weighed in at 209.0. So progress of a sort.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

58 hours...

...and counting. I'll break my record for (near-) fasting at noon today: 61.5 hours. I'm doing fine. I can:
  1. eat lunch.
  2. push to dinner and make it 66 hours.
  3. go for 72, or more likely 80+ since I wouldn't want to break fast at 10:30pm.
  4. go for 199 lbs, which I'm guestimating would mean Sat or Sun.
In any event I'm thinking I only eat salad, meat, and cheese -- i.e. no carbs to speak of. Timing-wise, all 4 seem viable to me right now. #4 is probably too extreme for the family to abide. (I've got to accustom them slowly!) With the no-carb caveat, I guess I can justify #1 or #2.

But I really want to see some new weight-lows. So I need some kind of modified "fast" mindset regardless. Bias to not-eat as opposed to bias to eat. And maintain some rules regarding what I eat!!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Back in the Fast Lane

So, long time no write (again). I've had my ups and downs. Sunday night I weighed 219.5 -- horrible. While that's not quite as bad as it looks, b/c I didn't do any short-term measures on the day of weigh-in as I usually do, it's still bad. The best thing I can say is that I've been "stable" in the 216-219 range for awhile now.

But that was the old me. :o) Yesterday I did (my version of) a fast, so I'm on 34 hours now -- since 10:30pm Sunday night, May 3rd. I've got a little (unprintable) mantra, and I'm going to see how far I can push. I did go 61 hours a couple of weeks ago, only to fall hard afterward. I'd like to break that record, since that'll only take until noon tomorrow (Wed). But I'm also thinking I should fast, or modified-fast, all the way to 200 lbs, or 199 actually if I'm setting a target.

But let's get through the next 28 hours for a start. Mantra, mantra, mantra...

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Good, Bad, Ugly

I set a new low Sunday morning: 210 lbs even.
But by the official weigh-in Sunday night, I was up to 215.

So after 2 pretty weak days to begin this week, I'm fasting today (Wed). Time to be under 210. On Sunday. At night.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

211.25 !!

New low! (Lowest in 3 years, at any rate.)

Fasting Sunday results in lower Sunday night weight than fasting Saturday (or Friday).
Go figure. :o)

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


This is belated by 2.5 days, but I guess I didn't feel like posting.

Anyhow, my Sunday weight was 216 -- UP 1.25 lbs. Hence the "Ahhhhh!"

I'm vowing not to let one week derail anything, and I'm back on the horse. My plan at this point (after a semi-prodigal Mon-Tues) is to fast Wed (today), Fri (which I've done the last 2-3 Fridays), and Sun. I'll only eat on Thurs and Sat. Let's see how that works...

Thursday, February 12, 2009

bad blogger!

I have not been posting. Bad!

Anyhow, I have lowered my weight each week for 4 weeks in a row -- last week by a whopping three-quarters of a pound! That was 214.75 on Sunday night.

I abandoned the 2 meals a day thing on Thursday and fasted with limited binges the remainder. That really works better for me. :)

My main goal is simply to be lower every week. Even at 1 lb/wk I'll be under 200 by June.

But 2 lbs/wk would be much better!

from Dad

Over the months I've seen both rodent and human studies showing benefits in intermittent fasting.
This LA Times article may be worth your while.,0,7274687.story

If I can ever amass enough moral fiber I will try one day fast the next eat almost ad lib but only items of high nutrition and as low a glycemic index as practical - seems to work well for some on the CR-ON forum - or perhaps a 2 day per week fast like the 2 least stressful days in your week - whatever works - my diet is one long ever changing experiment.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

14 meals in 7 days

In reaction to some of the constructive advice I've been receiving, usually punctuated by words such as "crazy" or "disorder" or "moron" -- as in "You've got an eating disorder, you crazy moron!" I've decided to try a different tack this week. Starting yesterday (Monday), I'm eating two small meals a day, and no snacks. 3 down, 11 to go; so far so good.

It feels like I'm actually eating a lot, but I suspect if I have (only) 11 more meals like the last 3 I'll lose weight. Even rationality is worth an experiment at least.

Monday, February 2, 2009


Not a great outcome. One-quarter pound from prior week. Too much Super Bowl, too much everything. I don't feel like I'll even want to eat today, but by 6pm could be a different story...

Saturday, January 31, 2009

This Week's Push

Fasted all day (20 hours yesterday (Friday): 216 at 6pm.
Broke down and ate a little (not a lot but salty) and weighed 219 at 9pm.
This morning 217.

Salt should leech out today; I'm estimating my best-case for tomorrow night weigh-in is the 210-212 range, assuming eating nothing more. Unclear if that's possible. :o)

Superbowl get-together tomorrow, too. So just when I'm at my weakest I'll have my greatest temptation. But it'll also be on the brink of weigh-in.

Most conservative goal is to beat last weight of 215.75.
Should at least get to 213.25 -- i.e. 2.5 lb loss, same loss as last week.
Stretchiest goal would be 210, but even 212 would be really good.

We'll see...

Sunday, January 25, 2009


Down 2.5 lbs for the week.

I broke down and had a little turkey chili w/ rice. But all in all I feel like I'm in the right zone. I lost my way a bit last week, but I'm there now I think. I'll see how the next day or two go.

Next weigh-in Feb 1st. I guess I'd like to be 210, but even 213 (or anything lower than 215) would be a victory.

Dropping Like a Stone?

So I fasted completely yesterday, except coffeee (w/ a little milk), water of course, and a glass of wine. I awoke weighing 221 and went to bed weighing 217. Awoke today at 215.5.

I'm a bit surprised at the rate of loss (being so fast). I'm assuming this is still salt/water driven, as the math (as I understand it) indicates I should only lose fat at something like 5 lbs per week without exercise.

Of course empirically I'm seen a hundred times how the first day or week of any kind of disciplined regime results in disproportionate initial weight-loss. I'm just surprised, and gratified, that I've been able to achieve that kind of downward bump starting from what was already a recent low.

If I can do the same today I'll obviously be no worse than 215, hopefully as low as 213 tonight for official weigh-in.

from Dad

[edited slightly]
Chances seem good that you have made a significant break-through in your battle of the bulge.
My concern is that by skipping meals and dumping pounds you have got to be restricting calories - indoing so one must be careful to focus on the ON part of CR-ON.
Optimal nutrition - the data that is convincing suggest that when restricting calories you can't afford to eat much fat not even the good stuff - like virgin olive oil and/or canola and one must be very choosy with animal protein as it is so often laced with obvious or occult fat.
Once you get well below 200 lbs all the perks will be a powerful reinforcement to continue.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Eleven, then what?

I lost 11 lbs last week. This week if I'm not careful that figure will be much much closer to, well, zero. Could be time for a 3-day fast to wrap up the week. That might get me to around 210 I bet, from 218. At most I'd be 212 probably.

being bad

Posting sporadically. Must. write. more.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Getting Ahead of Myself

Let's say for the sake of argument that I don't eat today and weigh 219 tonight, which seems plausible at least. That'd mean I lost about 10 lbs in a week -- while also having lost momentum over the weekend (and recovering some of it at the last moment).

Getting ahead of myself, my Q is what prediction would I make for week two, assuming another near-fast week at least as disciplined as week #1?
  • Empirically week one of any kind of push shows dramatically better results than any subsequent week.
  • And my assumption is that much if not most of the initial loss is water/sodium-related.
  • Math would indicate that without exercise I should only lose about two-thirds of a pound per day on a TOTAL fast, so 4+ lbs. On a near-fast I'd expect more like 2-3 probably. (I'm not crazy about math, but he can be a good friend in certain pinches.)
So summing all of that up I guess it would be remarkable if I could even lose 5 lbs in week 2. However P!x seems to be losing a steady 6-8, essentially a pound a day. He's likely to be in the 218-220 range Wed night.

So I really want to be 218 tonight. And I need to be setting my sights on 210. Maybe a fast would be easier than a near-fast.


So, to recap:
  • I weighed 228.75 last Sunday night.
  • Since then I've been "near-fasting". By Friday night I was 217.75 -- i.e. down 11 lbs.
  • However, Friday night and Saturday night became mini-binges, and I'm now around 221.
The idea at this point, naturally, is not to eat at all today. Official weigh-in is tonight. As long as I'm around 220 or less I'll be happy with the week. Should be a piece of cake. I'm not remotely hungry after Sel de la Terre binge last night. But 6pm tonight could be a different story...

Saturday, January 17, 2009

from Dad

This 6' 207lb Ozzie started on a 40 day water only diet.
A fairly level-headed blog - he claims the first 3 days were tough then very easy to tolerate.
However at day 25 his hunger became unbearable and he broke his fast with water melon.
His before and after pics seem authentic
He lost 33lb in 25 days -his pot belly virtually disappeared but his "love handles" remain
For many good reasons I believe a rare water only fast of a few days is likely to be of great benefit to most
If and when I can get my intellect to totally defeat my reptile brain (limbic system -gluttony HQ) I will start one.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Hating P!x

Broke down yesterday and ate 2 slices of pizza that was hanging around the office free. Then, planning to eat no more for the day, I arrived home to discover 2 sloppy joes with my name all over them.

Still, even this "binge" was a very very light day by my old standards. I've eaten nothing today so far.

P!x weighs 226 and there's now an annoying graph above my desk showing him under me! As long as I don't totally blow it over the weekend I will get back under him again Sunday night. But he's losing 6-8 lbs a week so I don't know if I can hang with him for long.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

from Dad


Sunday, September 16, 2007
Mother Nature's Brain Fuel
9/16/2007 7:23 AM MST

( Brain Science )

The primary fuel sources the body uses to generate energy are fat and glucose. We are only able to store enough glucose to last for 24 hours. Well before that, we start breaking down protein and turning it into glucose. This is done to keep the brain humming along because it is not able to burn fat. If we don't eat for longer time intervals then what happens? We have an almost unlimited capacity for storing fat, so why not tap into that? That makes sense and is exactly what happens. The only problem, at least for the brain, is where does the glucose come from that it requires since fat can't be turned into glucose in any meaningful amount. Protein is the ultimate raw material used by the body to produce glucose for the brain. In essence, the body is cannibalizing muscle to turn it into glucose for brain food. Obviously, if this continues we would lose skeletal muscle, heart muscle and the protein in organs like liver and kidney. Several ingenious metabolic changes emerged during our evolutionary past to address this quandary.

As fat is utilized during a fast, it goes through a process in the liver where in the partially metabolized state it may be turned into ketone bodies which include acetoacetate and hydroxybutyrate. These are released into the circulation where many organs may use them as an alternative fuel source. The brain is one such organ. This change in fuel use by the brain may take place immediately, but to fully make the transition takes a week or two. When fully engaged, ketones may produce almost half of the energy the brain requires (the remainder still coming from glucose). The key concept in being able to conserve lean tissue such as protein during a fast is to decrease the dependence of the brain on glucose. Provision of ketone bodies achieves this goal.

This metabolic conversion has other benefits as well. In addition to providing an alternative fuel for energy generation for neurons, the metabolism of ketone bodies has a subtle impact upon neurotransmitter levels in the brain. As you may recall, neurotransmitters are the chemicals secreted by one neuron that bind to a neighboring neuron thus allowing them to communicate with each other. There are neurotransmitters that excite, or stimulate neurons, and others that relax or calm down neurons. They act in a yin-yang fashion to keep brain activity in the 'just right' zone. Glutamate is the excitatory transmitter and GABA (gamma amino butyric acid) is the inhibitory, or relaxing transmitter. The switch to ketones shifts this balance to a more relaxing mode. It is believed that this neurotransmitter modulation is one of the reasons a ketogenic diet is so effective in controlling pediatric epilepsy. It also is able to neutralize the stimulation generated by excessive calcium influx into neurons that occurs as we age. As intracellular calcium builds up in nerve cells it damages them. By shifting the GABA/Glutamate balance, this is minimized. Another unexpected benefit provided by the use of ketone bodies is an increase in the energy charge of neurons. What this means is that nerve cells have more energy to take advantage of.

In a prior article, I mentioned that one of the earliest findings detected in the brain of a person at risk for the development of Alzheimer's disease is a decrease in their brain's ability to efficiently use glucose. Ketone bodies are able to compensate for this. By administering a formulation containing MCT oil (medium chain triglycerides are turned into ketones) to subjects with Alzheimer's disease, researchers were able to improve mental functioning. These findings were reported in the medical journal Neurobiology of Aging (2004;25:311-314). This observation illustrates the power of ketones to beneficially impact brain function. What we all must remember is that dietary changes can generate ketones as effectively as MCT oil.


I weighed (unofficially) 219 last night before eating. I had a medium bowl of lentil soup. Later I had a decent amount of celery with a little peanut butter -- after getting up from a chair and getting very light-headed.

This morning I weighed about 220 (factoring out all the clothes).

My latest motivation is to stay under P!x, who was 226 last night. (His official weigh-ins are Wed nights.) He's down 6 pounds in the last week and 30 in the last 4 weeks!!! I guess you could say he's slowing down a little, but my current apparent 6-7 pound buffer could disappear fast!

Still gunning for 220 Sunday, but I suppose I could even hope for 218 if I don't break down.

Last night I got hungrier than I'd been in at least 48 hours. But it was remarkable how quickly the hunger faded (5-10 minutes).

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Life in the Fast Lane (Again)

So I think I may've just set my LIFETIME record for fewest calories consumed in a 48 -- or now 60 -- hour period. Monday morning I ate a banana, and Tuesday (yesterday) evening I had a small (Small!) bowl of pasta with meat sauce and about 6 green beans. Other than that all I've consumed is 2 glasses of wine, coffee with a little skim milk, water, and diet caffeine-free soda.

I hadn't tried to calculate it, but I guess I consumed about 200 calories on Monday and maybe 600 yesterday.

Can't really call this a fast, but it feels close. Probably about what I need to do. Especially b/c I've now accepted the fact that I'm not going to exercise every day -- at least not running or elliptical, etc. If I get my weight down I'll probably be able to play ball again.

Speaking of weight, I was about 223 yesterday. Hoping for 220 Sunday night. And 170 by summer. But 1 day at a time.

Monday, January 12, 2009

It. Is. On.

228.75 last night, despite a (so-far-adhered-to) New Years Resolution cutting out candy, sweets, junk, etc.

Mark "P!x" Saperstein has lost about 30 lbs in the past month and is about to weigh less than me. And I'm flirting with being 2x Yvonne.

Things will be changing. Fast and faster.

More on the shape of that coming soon.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

222.75 = FINAL!!!


Of course, Diana continues to outshine me: she's lost 20 lbs since June. :o)

Brian was also down 2.5 (!!!) this week. So a big week for all 3 of us! And meanwhile Brian's grown 3/4 inches and Diana 1/4 inches based on today's measurement. A good week. :o)

224.0 @ 6:55pm

Not bad! No more eating.

225.75 @ 2:35pm

Bacon happens. But that's my only food so far. But the salt will pass by tonight (I think!) and I'm still below last week's weight even now.

224.75 @ 10:30am

I'm only up a quarter-pounder after 2 (3?) large cups of coffee. Goes right thru ya.

still optimistically projecting 224.5 tonite

I may be wildly wrong about where my weight will end up if (when?) I fast today, but undoubtedly it would mean down for the week, which is the main thing.

When I've fasted of late it's typically meant a 1-day loss of 4-5 lbs, much of which I assume is water-weight shed based on less salt in my body. So that more or less works out. My "nibbling" probably had me in the 229-lb range by the time I went to bed last night, so 224.5 ex-post-fasto seems to add up.

224.5 @ 8:27am

I'm surprised my waking weight was only 2.25 lbs lower than last night. Then again, I guess I ate a bit after last night's weigh-in, so that explains that.

If I fast today, which would appear to be a good option, I wonder where my weight ends up tonight? I'm guessing pretty similar to right now (224.5), unless I watch my water intake (which would be rather pointless).

224.5 would mean I'd lost 4.25 lbs in 3 weeks since Nov 9, and 2 weeks in a row of losing 2.25/week. I would take that.

Let's see if I can execute.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

4-week streak?

Tomorrow's weigh-in could mark my 4th week in a row* of decreasing weight**, so the stakes are high. My G/I illness should make it a shoe-in, however I just cheated and did a check-in, and my weight is right at last week's, so could go either weigh. ;o) Let the betting begin.

*Ok, technically this will only be a 3-week streak of increases, using 4 data points. (4 weeks ago my weight went up, but since then it's been going down -- pending tomorrow's reading. Yikes.)

**Pathetically, this awesome streak has got me "down" to 226.75 lbs.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

reply to Dad

[Replying to this post.]


We're on the same page on all fronts. My goal on paper is 161 lbs, about 65-70 away from where I sit today. I want to lose about 30% of my body weight.

Fasting has been one of my more successful techniques, so maybe I will give that a shot. I find it easier to eat nothing for a day than to eat half of normal. And my weight tends to go down when I skip lunch (and I always skip breakfast), though I'm sure skipping dinner would be best of all. And not snacking more important still.

I exercised Sunday (soccer with whole family) and yesterday (elliptical machine). Today could make it a 3-day streak, certainly my record in the last 3 YEARS or more. We're not talking about a lot of calorie-burning, though the elliptical could get intense, but it burns TIME, and it reinforces a mindset. (I just worked hard to burn 300 calories. Am I really going to eat a brownie after that?)

But I am so very far away from where I should be that I really do need to make a huge change of some kind. Turning 40 was a bit of a wakeup call, and I lost weight that year by cutting out less-healthy foods. But after 11 months I fell off the wagon and reversed my 18 pounds of progress in under two months!

I'm trying to shake up my schedule, and exercise is part of that. My heel is still a pretty big problem, but the soccer didn't cause too much of an issue, and the elliptical seems not to bother it much at all. I just don't seem able to play basketball, or run, right now. Of course losing 50-60 pounds would help that for sure.

I will try more experimenting!

email from Dad

[Dad, I'm assuming reprinting here is ok. No one reads this anyhow. I didn't even think you still did! -mns]

Dear Mike,

I see from your recent note that you haven't been doing well with your weight.

hardly know what to say ...... but feel close to certain that if you were ever able to get your BMI down to 22, your outlook on life, vitality, sense of control, ball-playing, etc would all show such benefit that you would find ways to keep there.

But how to get there?

For me it was easy because I became so scared and depressed when my heart rhythm went haywire ..... I zoomed down to 107 by Jan 2008, folloing the CR-ON guidelines at a loss of about 2 lbs a week.

Since then I have "rippled" but never a real yo-yo. I have gone to 115, never higher, and for many weeks seem to have a comfy plateau at 112,. Not that I don't get hungry, I'm often ravenous at night.

But when in my early 50's, and ample data showed that if I could have got my body fat down to 10% I could have comfortably reached my ultimate goal ..... a marathon in less than 3 hours ....... I could never make it. My best marathon was 3:11 in 1978. So just being old may make it a lot easier to get rid of pounds. My appetite and/or poor self control absolutely dominated me in mid-life.

At one point my ease of shedding pounds raised the possibility that I had an occult cancer somewhere, but now many months later and no symptoms I believe I am healthier than I have been in many a year.

How about experimenting with fasts of 12-18 hours with zero calorie intake, only green tea or black coffee, then when you break your fast focus on your achievement and don't go anywhere near overboard on that meal but try to find the time to savor every mouthful in a slow relaxed manner, perhaps with family around. Whatever EXPERIMENT!!!!

BTW if you are 6' tall you would have to reach 162 lbs to have a BMI of 22 ..... that must seem impossible ..... but if you continued being physically active you could do that without losing much if any muscle mass and become a real lean mean efficient machine.

Monday, November 10, 2008

No News is ... ?

Bad News. Always.

So I haven't been blogging. And I have been eating. And I haven't been ketotic.

But I'm writing now, so that has to be good. Right?

Monday, October 20, 2008


That was my weight last night. And the bad news is -- that was DOWN! So I guess that's the good news, too.

I've had 2, maybe 2.3 now, solid low-carb days. I am still not Ketotic Man, but I'm at least in the cruising lane I guess.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Fast Lane

From wikipedia's entry on "fasting":

It has been shown in many empirical, scientific studies that fasting can improve health and help to eliminate a variety of diseases. Although some fasting methods use juice or various amounts of food, the health of such methods is questionable, according to Dr. Joel Fuhrman. A true fast, he contends, consists of an intake solely of water, and can last (healthily) for extended periods of time when undertaken with the correct knowledge. According to Fuhrman, it is critically important to consume no calories (to put the body in Ketosis), or more than 800 calories per day, to avoid Hypoglycemia resulting in brain damage. Thus, diets of 100-800 calories/day are very dangerous. Any fasts of such nature should be preceded and followed by a healthy diet, and should also be supervised by a knowledgeable physician to make sure that deficiencies of any nutrients do not take place and detract from the healthful benefits of such a fast [8]

Some doctors believe that pure water fasting can not only detoxify cells and rejuvenate organs, but can actually cure [9] such diseases and conditions as cardiovascular disease, rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, colitis, psoriasis, lupus and some other autoimmune disorders when combined with a healthy diet. They believe that "Fasting is Nature's Restorer."[10] There is empirical evidence to corroborate the beliefs of these scientists. [10]

Recent studies on mice show that fasting every other day while eating double the normal amount of food on non-fasting days led to improved insulin and blood sugar control, neuronal resistance to injury, and health indicators superior to mice on 40% calorie restricted diets.[11][12] Alternate-day calorie restriction may prolong lifespan[13] and attenuate diseases associated with inflammation, oxidative stress and aging[14].

I'm interested in the idea of alternating-day fasting. In practice it might be too difficult, either physically or socially, but it appeals to my "all or nothing" tendencies. (Dieting would be much easier if I could go cold turkey!) And I've often fasted for a day; it seems easier to eat zero calories than to try to eat 1,000.

[Which could make a kind of sense if the quoted doc is right about diets in between 0-800 cal being "dangerous". But I've never heard that one before.]

I think once in my life I did alternate-day fasts for 6 days (3 fasts), but that's not a very compelling proof of concept!

The punny branding is all laid out for me: "The Fast Lane" implies rapid (weight loss) through not eating (for stretches). The metaphor has legs. I try to stay out of the slow lane (carbs), and esp the shoulder/ditch (binging!), and spend time in the middle, "cruising" lane (low-carb), with occasional bursts of shifting into the fast lane (fasting) for a day.

But I'm leaving that whole concept in the R&D phase for now. I'm just going to focus on low-carb today, and try to put together 8 good days in a row. For a start.

A Good Day

Saturday was my best day in at least 10 days. Followed up omelette and cheese with salad & chicken parmesian (at Papa Razzi). I was no doubt extra-hungry, but it was one of the best meals I've had in weeks. And I didn't touch the bread or pasta that effectively surrounded me. :o)

So a good day. Now to build on that. Weigh-in tonight, which I don't expect to be very good. But there's another one in 7 days, and every 7 days after that... This has to be about the long haul.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Google King

It is kind of cool that this blog actually comes up first if you search for "ketotic man". I guess that shouldn't even be surprising, but I like it.

Back in the Saddle

Ok, long dark journey of the pantry is over. Right now. I'm not kidding.

In fact, ever since last night even. Today I've only had a ham & cheese omelette and some cheese, so I'm taking a step back onto the straight & narrow.

No carbs tonight!

And I will keep blogging regularly; that's the whole idea.

Friday, October 10, 2008

What Happened Last Night?

Ok, last night was not good, true. But I've been through worse. And that's my only lapse in a few days. Today only one cheeseburger so far. Admittedly some bread involved in that, but really not so bad, all in all. No dinner in sight and it's 7:30. Maybe time for some cheese?

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Hanging Tough

Resolve stiffened by the latest (Sun night) weigh-in, I've been good for 3 days. And counting.

Somehow I'm "magically" in the zone again. I've been feeling fine, not starving, being good, no snax. But it's always hard to stay there (here!) for more than a few days at a stretch.

So I suppose I should be girding my (mental) loins and preparing to withstand a brutal hunger assault...

But right now feeling good.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Breaking Radio Silence

One meal yesterday. Two today. Zero snacks.
A reaction to high weight Sunday night: 226.25.
This seems ridiculous; I should not weigh over 200.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Email from Dad

Dad writes:
"I've been looking at your ketotic blog .......... I can see you are facing a daily severe struggle ........ not sure I can help ......... Why was my weight loss so easy? Holding my weight down is not easy ......... I've now settled onto a plateau of 112 lbs ........ but it entails hunger pangs."
A great question. Must be some combo of not wanting it that bad, really really liking food/eating, and my cells crying out especially hard for sustenance.

I've fasted for a day or more at least a dozen times in the past year, so under the right circumstances I can fight the power. I often think going "cold turkey" would be far easier, but eating in moderation is unfortunately necessary for life. And then I find myself on a slippery slope. Last night my cheese snack turned out to be a "gateway food" leading to cereal and even 1 brownie. What's up with that!?!

And notice how I didn't blog here for two days. I've got to keep my focus up.

True Confessions

Not feeling very ketotic, literally or figuratively, right now. I've had 2 good days, but two pretty bad evenings. After wife and kids are in bed, hunger visits.

Things that may help:
  1. Blogging. Part of this idea was to use this as my "diet-buddy" I should tell myself to write when I'm hungry.
  2. Don't starve myself. Diana should be my role model; she's way less extreme in her swings, has the occasional dessert/sweet, and loses steadily.
  3. Eat breakfast. See #2.
  4. Exercise. My foot's a little better, and I should probably at least experiment with longer walks or elliptical machine.
  5. Have good snacks around. I never want meat as a midnight snack, but cheese is a possibility -- or veggies.

Monday, September 29, 2008

40 hours...

...without eating. Now time to start eating (low carb) w/o going nuts. Salad w/ grilled chicken is on my mind, and on the menu at B. Good. An on my agenda within the next 15 minutes.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Not So Fast -- 224

So I fasted all day today, and the best I can say is that I averted absolute disaster, weigh-in-wise. By extreme last-minute effort, I managed to GAIN only a quarter-pound over last week. If I'd eaten "normally" today (whatever that means) I'm sure I would've been right back around 230 right now.

So it was a bad week, but I snatched mediocrity from the jaws of failure. A gain is a gain (and a bad thing), but a quarter pound means it's small.

Nothing short-term matters. I need to regain ketosis, which I suppose will only be a half-day or so away now, and stay there for more than a day or two this time.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

The Horror, the horror...

Think I'll be fasting tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

No. No. No.

The obsessive weighing is getting out of control. I just hopped on the scale, thinking I'd be south of 220, and I was 225!!!!


Getting it Back Together

Ok, I didn't eat at all until dinner. (Strangely, I wasn't as hungry as normal at 6pm, and after fasting all day I'm usually ravenous. I don't have a good theory on that one.)

Anyhow, I was pretty good. I did have a very small portion of rice and of chicken pot pie, but we're talking tiny. Mostly I had just leftover beef, pork, and chicken. :o)


It's been a bad 36 hours or so. Everything is relative, and I've actually eaten fewer carbs, and fewer calories in general, than "normal". But it's been a far cry from ketosis.

A little cereal. Cereal!
A slice or two of pizza. Pizza!
The "pommes frites". Fries!


Pants tight. Heavier this morning (still 219 though, not hopeless). This has to be a near-zero carb day.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Who knew "Steak Frites" wasn't fried steak?!?! The (only) good news is that Nunzio ate some of my fries, and I left some uneaten as well. But I had too little slices of bread, too.

It was a bad meal, carb-wise (though tasty!)

Good news, Bad news

Last night I did an unofficial weigh-in -- after not eating all day and having only some steak, pork, and green beans for dinner -- and I was around 218.5 !!

But, bolstered by this, I had half a bagel w/ cream cheese later on last night.

So... I think something crazy like 215 could be within grasp this coming Sunday. On the other hand, it's very hard to keep the "eye of the tiger" for weeks. (And it hasn't even been a week yet!)

Call me "Ketotish Man".

Monday, September 22, 2008

What's Food?

Haven't eaten today...
Could be headed for disaster, but will try to be careful.

Monday morning and all is well

I'm not even hungry yet today. So far so good.

Sunday, September 21, 2008


So, I lost 4.5 pounds in the last week. (And all of them undoubtedly in the last 4 days, in fact.) And I'm under 225, which was a goal for today.

But I weighed only 218 on August 3rd!! So I don't feel that great about where I am.

Onward and downward!

Diana is my weight-loss inspiration. She's lost 11.5 lbs in 13 weeks (while growing half an inch!) -- dropping her BMI by 2.1, which is awesome.

T-minus not much

The kids are keeping me waiting...

I'm ready to weigh in. Without going into great detail, let's just say that I've lightened the load just about every way I can think of, save amputation.

SHould be weighing in within the hour...


And I swear my arms looked thinner* to me this morning, as I was lying in bed, trying to summon the energy to get up**.

*No, arms aren't probably where I'd choose to lose weight, but it always goes equally from everywhere. Smaller waist will mean smaller neck, et al.

**And no, I can't say I'm feeling extra-energetic so far. Not less, bit not more, either. But I wouldn't read too much into my laziness this morning. This was my first chance to sleep in in weeks. And I've been up late lately.


Today I've had a banana, and several apples. (We went apple picking today.) I frankly didn't realize how high-carb those fruits are. I bet I've had 100g today, which is way, way too many. I think I want to stay under 40 or so per day. Oh, well.

Despite this, I feel good. I'm slightly hungry, but nibbling cheese is controlling that. We may eat out tonight, but I should have no trouble going zero-carb, given that my first weigh-in (on this latest kick-within-a-kick) is tonight.

I guess, given all those carbs, I must not be in ketosis right now, but I dunno. I don't feel different, or very hungry right now.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

24 hours to weigh-in

The short-term key is to not blow it tomorrow -- or tonight!

The beauty is that I'm not hungry. But I've been in ketosis at least twice, probably 3-4 times minimum, and I haven't been able to keep it up.

I think 8 days is my record. In fact, that was 8 days on Atkins, so maybe 6-7 days in ketosis. I must've entered ketosis yesterday, Friday Sept 19, at about noon. So another short-term goal would be to stay "in the pocket" all week, through Friday night, which would definitely be my longest stint in ketosis.

To Diana & Bill: You can comment. :o)

[You're the only people I've given the url, so I figure you 2 -- at the very most -- are my readership.]

Anyhow, don't forget that you can leave comments. That would really freak me out. (And don't worry; no one will see them but me. And perhaps you two. Until I spill more beans.)

Mirror, Mirror

Yes, I'm (A-L-R-E-A-D-Y-!-!-!-!-!) looking thinner in the mirror! And I'm just talking about my face here.

But I know, from at least 40, if not 140, diet initiatives, that nearly any new try, if it has some kind of energy behind it, results in some, um, results. In the first week.

If I were to total all of my "first week" weight losses, from all of my various initiative, the sum would undoubtedly exceed my entire current weight. By a factor of two. Easily.

So let's not get excited. 200 will be reason to get excited.

Natural Man = Ketotic Man ?

It seems to me (when I read this) that it must be a natural thing to be in ketosis periodically. Perhaps not for months or years on end, but, then again, I wonder if even that would be more "unnatural" than existing in a virtual "carb-bath" for an entire lifetime, as I, and many other Americans, and Mexicans, have.

Given the fact that, objectively, the odds would seem to be high against me staying in ketosis for much more than a week, if that long, there's no cause for worry.

I suspect that it's completely healthy to go in and out of ketosis for periods of days, or even weeks. It would make sense that this could be a -- or the -- natural state of things for our ancestors. Find a bountiful fig tree one week, kill a mastadon the next week. And in between starve a little.

Hope and Goals

I'm hoping to be around 225 when I officially weigh in tomorrow (Sunday) night. My (recent) low was 218 lbs on Aug 3rd -- which seems incredible. If I really stay ketotic, maybe I can get there again by the end of September.

Getting crazy, and possibly aspirational (I can hope!), maybe I can reach 200 by the end of the year. I'll see my parents, and entire family, for Thanksgiving, and -- as every year -- it's exciting to imagine that I could be noticeably (dramatically!?!?) thinner by then.

[Of course the one time I actually went to SC light(er/ish) the lack of comment was deafening. But I was probably around 205-210 then. The point is I need to be actually thin to make a real impression on anyone. 200 might do it, 195 for sure, I believe.]

Ok, fun with math:
We leave for our Thanksgiving trip in 9 weeks, i.e. 63 days. Reaching 200 would mean losing about 30 pounds in about 65 days, so nearly half a pound per day, or 3ish lbs/week. I think that rate is in the realm of possibility, if I stay in ketosis.

So, How am I Feeling?

I think I'm enfolded in the warm embrace of ketosis.

Minimal hunger -- though I can't say it's zero. But I've only had 2 scrambled eggs, 2 slices of cheese, and 2 slices of ham today, and I'm not particularly hunger. (Of course, my stomach did just rumble... I suppose that reaction may be completely unrelated to hunger per se.)

I feel a little more tired than normal -- and that's not what I expect in ketosis.

My back also aches a little. Maybe that's unrelated to anything. I did do a lot of driving today.

But my head is a little "buzzy", and that as much as anything convinces me that I'm in the zone.

In yesterday's lingo, I'm feeling about 75% normal.

What happened last night?

Things are good, I think.

We ate dinner at some friends' house. I drank about 4 glasses of wine, had 2 tostitos w/ guacamole, about 3-4 tablespoons of rice. Otherwise I've been very good.

Zero carbs so far today.

More on Ketosis

This is a great overview of ketosis.

Friday, September 19, 2008

1:30pm Feeling Better...

Down to 55% on the "Normal-Meter". But I'm at 85% on the "Feel-Good-Meter".

Much happier than an hour ago.


This has to be ketosis kicking in. I guess I'm about 75% certain.

It's played out in different ways for me in the past. The last time, which was just last January, I felt pretty weird and a little bad for about 12-24 hours I think. Then I started to feel great.

The very first time, when I first tried Atkins, I seemed to enter ketosis suddenly, almost like a light switch, and I went from feeling totally normal to feeling really good. At least that's how I remember it.

When I say "good" I mean I remember feeling:
•no hunger
•elevated energy
•sharpened mind
•positive mindset
(Though this last one could have been a secondary effect of feeling I was accomplishing something. On some level it doesn't matter, I suppose, whether the effect was a direct result of my physical state or a secondary psychological result.)

Anyhow, I'm not feeling great right now. A bit fuzzy-headed and tired. Hope to feel great (see above) by tomorrow.

80% and dropping...

I'm down to 80% normal. In fact as I write this it's closer to 70%, 67% even.

I think ketosis has walked in my front door. Or I suppose the better metaphor is me walking through its door. But, then again, I've been the one waiting for it, so maybe I'll stick with version A.

Still not certain, but I think this could be it.

Early Lunch -- 40 hours and counting...

I had a Slim Jim and cheese-stick. Didn't feel up to roast chicken (yet) so got some Irish cheddar at De Luca's. Nibbling that now.

Still feel 90% normal. Maybe starting to get that ketotic feeling; hard to say. I've paddled out, now waiting on the big wave...

From Dad

Dear Mike,
I continue to be vitally interested in my diet , but lack anything approaching certainty.
Our culture and lifestyle have changed markedly over the past tens of thousands of years ........ but I don't believe our basic biochemistry has had time to evolve much. If there was any good way to find out how the average of out distant ancestors ate we would have far better guide lines.
PROTEIN I cannot believe that humans of even 50000 years ago were efficient hunters of meat animals. They lacked running speed and endurance and even a good sense of smell. The only credible evidence is that of primiitive man digging pit traps where they may have even been able to trap animals as lerge as a mastodon ...... that would keep the tribe and surrounding tribes in meat for a few days of feasting ....... but no way that could be a steady and reliable source. If game animals are well equipped to survive predators as swift as the cheetah or as strong as the lion what chance did a human have.
Only with the domestication of the hunting dog and invention of the bow and arrow did humans become effective hunters, but that was 15-20 thousand years ago. The domestication of the horse, less than 10,000 years ago was another major step ........ then came agriculture, settled villages and herds of meat animals, all in the very recent past.
Much of our physiology, biochemistry and anatomy leans toward a herbivore wih a touch of omnivore but certainly not mch for carnivore.
Excessive protein in the human diet is almost certainly a slow poison to the kidneys and bone strength.
Plus a high saturated fat intake that goes with much of meat eating is a slow poison to blood vessels.
All fats were probably as difficult for very primitive people to find as animal protein ...... and they were likely to avidly eat insects, especially insect larvae and other small sources of fat and oil.
Almost certainly primitive people had no access to the abundant carbs we get from wheat, corn, potatoes and a host of other sources ....... although the San people of the Kalahari (one of the last hunters and gathers that could be studied before civilization totally distorted them) showed that they got a big fraction, perhaps 50-80%, of their calories from starchy tubers. This is also supported by studies fro the Transvaall Museum, in Pretoria, of human tooth structure and dentine being almost identical to the teeth of the hairless rat-mole of Africa, that has a diet very high in starchy tubers. These primitive tubers are in general nothing like the potato in that they have far more fiber and require much chewing and saliva production before digestion.
MY BEST GUESS AT PRESENT is that real low carb intake (enough to suppress the appetite by developing ketosis) in not the way to go. Also pigging out on high carb foods is equally bad in that the excessive amounts of insulin released stimulate more hunger ....... which is OK if there is no loaded pantry. In the Fall our ancestors may have come across a wild fig tree, for example, and gorged themselves but there was probably not another tree at hand for the rebound, whereas we have carbs in excess around the clock.

Take a look at tis article ...... which has some good points ....... but overall is still far from a complete answer:


Here's what wikipedia says:
Ketosis (pronounced /kiːˈtoʊsɪs/) is a state in metabolism occurring when the liver excessively converts fat into fatty acids and ketone bodies which can be used by the body for energy.
In this state hunger nearly disappears, which is why it's great from a dieting standpoint. My Dad is one of many who worry about liver damage from prolonged ketosis. However, it seems clear that short stints are not dangerous.

And, more importantly, even Dad agrees that I'm better off "risking it" if it's the only way I can lose weight. 230 pounds is not good, and I'll be 44 years old in December. Too fat to be this old, and to old to be this fat.

The Science - my understanding

I realized I haven't really laid out my understanding of nutrition on this blog yet. Here goes, in the shortest form I can manage:

I believe that carbohydrates are the major obstacle to weight loss, and perhaps health in general for most people.

Eating carbs elevates insulin levels in the blood, which does 3 things: inhibits fat burning, triggers fat storage, and increases hunger. The effects are almost immediate and last for several hours.

These three effects of insulin are undisputed and clearly demonstrated in humans as well as dozens of animal species. It's also undisputed that consuming carbs raises insulin levels. So it's really an "open and shut case".

I suspect the world would have far less obesity, perhaps hardly any at all, if there were no such thing as processed sugar and high fructose corn syrup. So perhaps blaming all carbs goes too far. However, taste and hunger and biochemistry being what they are, I suspect if those 2 evil things didn't exist, we'd find a way to put potato, or rice, or apple juice concentrate or something in everything we eat.

So carbs = bad.

How Long?

According to these guys, it takes "1-4 days" to enter ketosis, and they say people usually need to be "under 30-40 grams" per day to make it happen, and to stay there, though there's lots of variation.

The 2 times I'm certain I got there I believe it took me right around 48 hours, or perhaps slightly less. So I'm going to hope to enter the ketotic zone this afternoon. Very exciting!

red wine's better?!?!?!?

Ok, I could've sworn that white wine was lower-carb. But apparently it varies a lot. And in fact "dry red" is the lowest, at half a gram per glass. I'm not even sure what I drank yesterday, but I'm going to guess all the wine added up to somewhere in the 10-20 gram range (of carbs). So I've probably had no more than 25-30 in 36 hours. That should keep me on track...

Friday morning -- 36+ hours in

I came through last night with flying colors, all things considered. At the Sel de la Terre opening party I only ate 2 things: rabbit with bacon (1st rabbit for me ever), and a little "vial" of corn soup. So the soup was bad, but extremely small. I also had about 3 glasses of red wine.

Still, I'd call that a victory.

So I doubt I've had more than 30-40 grams of carbs in 36 hours, and maybe less...

Feel normal. Had to get up early to take Diana to school extra early (chorus). But I'm not yet Ketotic Man. Maybe I've had too many carbs w/ all the wine??? Though it may also take a bit more time than this...

Thursday, September 18, 2008

6ish pm - almost 24 hours since (lots of) carbs

My first carbs of the day were in the form of white wine at "Thirsty Thursday" at work. I chose the lowest-carb choice (apparently white is lower than red, despite the fact it generally seems sweeter), and avoided the pizza entirely.

I'm hungry (and buzzed), but otherwise feeling normal.

Unfortunately, my biggest (foreseeable) test is coming. I'm going to a restaurant's grand opening party, and there will not only be lots of food, and drink, and food, but there will be a certain amount of social pressure to eat a wide variety of what's offered, if not necessarily a huge quantity, per se. I will do my best to navigate the territory between rude and fat...

Lunch -- 17 hours since carbs

This is when I made the decision to go ketotic. I've been struggling with the meat thing, but I put my foot down. Today I searched out just meat, and found it at the Rotisserie place in the mall food court. I had the "1/4 breast plate" which included 2 sides. I got green beans and broccoli w/ carrots. But I didn't touch the sides, only the chicken.

It tasted quite good, esp the skin. And this was only about the 2nd or 3rd time I've eaten meat off the bone in 24 years!

So far so good. Felt totally normal.

Breakfast - 12 hours since carbs

I ate no breakfast. This is normal. (And probably bad.) I felt normal.

22 Years

An hour after I decided to start this latest push, including creating this blog, I realized that today is my 22nd anniversary in my job. And 22 has always been my favorite number, so I guess this is a big one.

Not sure if this had any subconscious effect on my thinking, but in any case it's nice to have that much more psychological weight behind me saying, "This is important. This is the one."

I want to be Ketotic Man

I'm starting this blog out of desperation. Here are my goals, in stream-of-consciousness order:
  1. lose weight
  2. live longer
  3. look better
  4. fit in my pants
  5. be a better role model for my children
  6. demonstrate the same discipline and focus I have in most other areas
  7. stop taking lovastatin
  8. get under 200 pounds before I really start to suffer the health consequences
  9. ultimately get to my high school weight of 163 pounds
  10. increase my energy level, for myself, my kids, my wife
  11. increase my happiness index, which I believe will happen if the above happen
So basically I want to lose a ton of weight. I weigh about 230 pounds today, so I'm 67 lbs from where I want to be. Ouch.

I have woken up every morning for at least 25 years thinking about losing weight, getting in shape, getting thinner. And in those years I've gained about 45 pounds. I've tried a lot of things which I won't detail here.

I was a vegetarian for 23 years, 1984-2007, only making that change last December, right before New Years. This was a direct result of reading "Good Calories, Bad Calories" by Gary Taubes. I'm now convinced that limiting carbohydrates is the best way to lose weight. More, much more, on this later.

So I started 2008 with a plan to eat very few carbs, enter the state of ketosis -- in which fat is burned for fuel, and hunger is suppressed -- and stay there for a long time, losing weight with ease.

But a funny thing happened on the way to 163 lbs. I don't like meat too much. Or at least I'm not at all used to eating it. Meanwhile, I have a L-O-V-E of carbs. I would tell people even when I was in high school that my favorite foods were all carbs. At the time I was pretty thin, and this statement was basically a point of pride; I thought carbs were the healthiest thing in the world. What could be better for you than bread???

So here I am, in September, heavier than ever. I know the theory, but I need to put it into practice. So I want to become Ketotic Man. I tend to agree with my Dad that this isn't the way to live longterm. But I am truly worried that I will die soon if I do not lose some significant weight, and I think the benefits of the "ketotic lifestyle" well outweigh the risks on the short-term, as even Dad agrees.

Essentially I want to stay in ketosis for weeks or months at a time lose tons of weight, and eventually find a way to eat a more balanced diet once I'm well below 200 lbs. Or not. Obviously I'll have to play all of this by ear.

And that's where the blog comes in. I don't know if I'll even share the url with anyone. (Maybe Dad? Maybe Bill? Both of them are interested in my weight loss process...) But in any case I want to be able to do something that keeps my focus. And I like to write. Writing without (much of) an audience takes any pressure off, so I can think of it as more of a diary.

So here goes... everything?